A coordinated collection of worker processes that are collectively executing dataflow logic. It is possible that the cluster’s processes are distributed, or could be a single process with a single thread on a single machine, but the concept of “cluster” still applies.
End of File / EOF#
The state of an operator’s input or a probe meaning that it will see no more input in this execution. This manifests as an “empty frontier”.
An incrementing integer which represents the ordering of data flowing through the dataflow cluster. Timely calls this a timestamp.
Epochs induce a sense of order, causation, and synchronization. They must:
Have an order
End regularly
Have the same semantics on every worker
You can’t arbitrarily increment epochs individually in each worker. For example, incriminating the epoch every 5 messages on each worker would result in stalls: any given worker might have a pause in the data on the fourth message and thus delay every other worker from making progress.
Epoch, End of an#
Stateful operators apply input items to their internal state in epoch order. When an operator has applied all items from a closed epoch, you can say that that epoch has ended within that operator.
Epoch, Closed#
A closed epoch is one that that is before the frontier, thus will not see any new input.
Epoch, Frontier#
The epoch which is equal to the current frontier in an operator. This operator will continue to see new input items within this epoch, but will never see items from before this epoch.
Epoch, Resume#
The resume epoch is the epoch you’d like to resume a dataflow from the start of. This is usually the dataflow frontier of the last cluster execution, but could be set earlier if recovery data has not been garbage collected.
A single run of a dataflow cluster from initial input or resume until failure or completion.
Whenever you recover a dataflow, you start a new different resume execution.
Executions are never concurrent. The entire previous cluster must be stopped before a new execution can begin.
Execution ID#
An incrementing integer that uniquely identifies an execution.
Larger execution IDs mean that that execution happened “after” another with a smaller ID.
Oldest or smallest epoch a probe or input could still see in the future.
All epochs before or smaller than the frontier are closed and won’t be seen in the input again.
It is possible for there to be an “empty frontier” or no smallest epoch. This happens when the input is EOF and thus will see no more items.
/Note:/ Only probes and inputs formally have frontiers. Operators formally do not but we can talk about what the frontier of an input attached to the output of an operator would be.
Frontier, Cluster#
The combined frontier of all worker frontiers. This represents the oldest epoch that is still in progress in the execution cluster. It is usually the epoch you’d want to resume from in the next execution if a failure occurred.
Frontier, Worker#
The combined frontier of all output and backup operators on a single worker. This represents the oldest epoch that is still in progress on that worker.
A single unit of data flowing through a dataflow.
Sometimes certain operators require that items have a specific shape. See state key.
A Timely object which keeps track of what epochs you have seen input items during, and capabilities to emit items in those epochs. Then lets you run processing logic and emit items downstream in epoch order once the epochs are closed.
Note that the logic will be executed only happens once the epoch is closed! That means that you will continue to queue all input until that happens. You probably want instead an Eager Notificator.
Notificator, Eager#
A modified version of a Timely notificator that runs processing logic “eagerly” or when the new items come in during the current frontier, and end logic whenever an epoch closes.
In general, this is what you’ll want to use for most operators rather than a plain notificator because you want to emit output ASAP, but you still need to order the input by epoch so you can ensure recovery snapshots happen at the right time.
Be very, very careful writing any operators that do not use notificators and can emit items without a correlated input: you will have to make sure you correctly manage handling a flash of the “0 epoch” during resume, running logic eagerly and in-order and labeling output with the correct epoch, and placing output in the correct epoch on input EOF.
A generic kind of operation that can be performed on items. E.g. map, reduce, collect window. These generic operations must be fleshed out with domain-specific logic into a step in order to do anything.
Operator Logic#
User-provided functions that flesh out an operator into a step. They have to follow very specific signatures in order to play into the API of the operator.
Operator, Stateful#
An operator which has internal state that is modified via successive items.
All stateful operators take a step ID in order to label recovery data.
Partition(, {Input, Output})#
One disjoint sub-dataset that can be read or written to independently. A single partition is always meant to be interpreted as part of the total set of partitions so that the entire dataset is processed.
E.g. A single Kafka topic has partitions; individual log files from a cluster of computers should be analyzed together; a CSV is broken into 100 MB chunks.
Primary (Worker for a Partition)#
Used in the context of partitioned input and output. This is the single worker that will have responsibility for reading or writing to this partition.
There is a primary assignment process by which workers broadcast the partitions they have access to and then the first worker calculates assignments for all partitions and broadcasts those results to all workers in the cluster for routing and opening of the partition.
Process(, Worker)#
A single OS process that is collectively executing dataflow logic via some number of contained worker threads. Processes are grouped into a cluster and might not necessarily be on the same machine.
Resume (Execution)#
An execution which is started using the recovery data from a previous execution. It will “pick up” near where the previous execution left off.
The progress of this new execution begins from the resume epoch. All relevant state snapshots are re-loaded.
Snapshot(, State)#
A freeze frame snapshot of a step’s state at the end of an epoch.
State Key#
A string that is used to route data to the same worker so that all data for a key will modify the same state.
Usually specified via an operator taking (key, value)
2-tuples as
input items. See item.
A specific instance of an operator and logic in a dataflow. A dataflow is made up of a graph of steps.
E.g. you might have one step that uses the map operator to increment a number by one, and a second step which uses the map operator to decrement a number by five. Both use the same operator, and thus shape of transformation, but are distinct steps.
Step ID#
A hierarchical dotted-path string key that uniquely identifies a step for recovery so data is routed correctly. Step names are assembled into step IDs by periods.
Step Name#
A scope-unique string key for a step. Since operators have substeps, a step name alone is not enough to uniquely specify a step in the entire dataflow.
Step, Stateful#
A step which is an instance of a stateful operator.
Timely (Dataflow)#
Timely Dataflow is the Rust-based dataflow runtime Bytewax is built on top of.
Timely’s word for what Bytewax calls an epoch.
Worker (Thread)#
A single OS thread executing dataflow logic. Worker threads are grouped into processes on a single machine.